Our accommodation is suitable for couples, lone adventurers and even business travelers, as it is centrally located near major city monuments, museums and universities.

It is close to all the necessary services for a pleasant stay such as small neighborhood groceries, supermarkets and a laundry.

You will be pleasantly amazed by the history and art that reigns in this Sienese palace, from the high ceiling with wooden beams of the seventeenth century to the brick walls that show the steps of history and discover the base of an old medieval tower. The ancient perfectly meets the contemporary in style and design. A modern, functional and refined furniture guarantees comfort and relax at high levels. You can't go wrong with your experience here - plus, the palace is located in the heart of Siena, between Piazza del Campo, the Duomo and the main street, for easy access to all of the city's attractions.


A little curiosity: The building is where Federigo Tozzi was staying (near his father's restaurant in the adjacent Via dei Rossi) during the period in which he wrote the novel

"Three crosses"

Our Offer


The apartment can host a couple.

It is possible to add a baby cot

1 bedroom



2 steps from Piazza del Camo in tjhe heart of the historical centre.

Visit the Other Accommodations

Via stalloreggi 38

5 Rooms and 5 apartments at few steps from the beautiful Duomo. 2 minutes walking from Piazza del Campo

Via stalloreggi 25

5 beautiful apartments at few steps fromthe Siena Cathedral. 2 minutes walking from Piazza del Campo

Viadel Paradiso 4

3 Apartments. Each offers 2 bedrooms to host from 2 up to 8 people. 2 minutes walking from Piazza del Campo

Via San Quirico 8

Apartment with a view. It offers 3 rooms. It can accommodate up to 5 people

Via Castelvecchio 18

Apartment with a view. It offers 2 bedrooms. It can accommodate up to 3 people

Vicolo del Bargello 18

Apartment with balcony on the Piazza del Campo. Unique experience .. can accommodate up to 4 people

Via del Refe Nero 16

Design apartment for 2 people in the heart of Siena. Pure art and romance

Via San Pietro 30

4 stylish and elegant double rooms at few steps from the Duomo. 2 minutes walking from §Piazza del Campo

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Paradiso Accommodations Group srl

Main Office:

via Stalloreggi 38

Siena, SI (Tuscany) - Italy

email: paradisoaccommodations@gmail.com

Tel: (+39) 0577 22 26 13

P.Iva: IT01300850524